Contact for purchase with the contact form just below the gallery. These are original artworks, paint on canvas, initialed by the artist.
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In my latest collection of paintings, faces in luminous tints are outlined against simple, warm white; peripheral details are sketched with quick, dark strokes, bringing the viewer's eye back to the presence of the women and the reality defined by their subtle colouring and lively, intent expressions.
Experimenting with the simplicity of vigorous brush-strokes over a ground of the opposite colour; cream white lines on a canvas covered with a rich coal black, or deep black lines, following a touch of brown, on a cream white canvas. There is much more colour than the minimalism of these artworks would suggest; subtle umber, intense blue, iron black, are mixed for the dark contours and backgrounds, while the white is not only white but carries a touch of clear, radiant yellow. In the end, the spareness in this monochrome is like the simplicity of its lines; paradoxically intent care to preserve vitality and spontaneity.
Such a technique is appropriate to these faces – poised, natural, elegant, exuberant all at the same moment - and they are equally an expression of a new time, more hopeful but also more knowing. Collection begun 2021.